January 17, 2011... Me and 2 of my friends went to the historical Wawa Dam found in Montalban, Rizal. We were actually bored and decided "Let's go to Wawa" It's only a ride or two from our house so we went XD LOL Let the pictures do the talking:)
It was indeed an awesome experience. Going back to nature, green trees, cold water, fresh air, simple living.
If you're interested in going to Wawa I'll give you the direction XD
How to go to Wawa Dam?
Ride an SM Fairview jeep (14 pesos) and get off at Commonwealth Market. Cross the overpass and ride a Relocation jeep (15 pesos) Get off at Montalban Crossing. Ride a Wawa jeep (15 i think) and there you go ;)
SEARCH Wawa Dam Montalban Rizal Wawa Dam Rodriguez Rizal Wawa Dam Montalban Rizal Direction Wawa Dam Montalban Rizal View
Wow! Mukhang maganda dun ah!
woi, waterfalls desu yo xD
Randolf : exactly ;)
g3baby2 : hai! too bad we don't have swimming things XD
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